logo Studio für Tanz und Gymnastik • Elisabeth Moser • St. Johanns-Vorstadt 70 • 4056 Basel •
• +41 (0)61 283 83 82 • +41 (0)79 899 36 48 • info@elisamos.ch •
deutsch / english / français
Psychotherapy can mean to find words for the incomprehensible, to share it, to commit it to someone, to reflect experiences, to sort out, to work it out in order to leave it behind. Sometimes words cannot be found to express what affects the person deep inside. Creative media like dancing, movement, painting, writing, can pave the way to expression. Psychotherapy can also mean to search for ways out of an acute crisis or traumatic experiences, and with the help of the therapist, to develop strategies for gaining ground again out of a painful situation.

Body therapies have a different approach but the same intent as psychotherapy: working on personal themes which may in a first place appear as physical problems; trying to establish a holistic understanding of what affects the person.

Profile Elisabeth Moser
Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist ASP with an emphasis in body work, dance and sensory perception. Born in Basel; studies of psychology and science of education in Geneva; several employments in various institutions. Formation and advanced trainings in dance (diverse techniques), methods of body work therapies, then formation in psychotherapy (Gestalt, dance therapy, creative media). After 10 years of practical experience as a psychologist, changing to a self-employed status by opening the “Studio für Tanz und Gymnastik”. Later, in the same place, is added the psychotherapy practice with the focus on Gestalt-therapy and creative media. During the last years further studies of new theories in traumatology and brain research; formation in modern methods of short therapy (mainly EFT and elements of hypno-therapeutic approaches). These methods are especially successful in case of anxieties, panic attacks and psycho-somatic affliction.